Sunday, September 14, 2008


These are my cats. Meeko and Bubba. I "rescued" them from the SPCA in April, and they have been living with me ever since. I think cats are fantastic! They are super low maintenance and fun to cuddle with. Oh, and taking pictures of them never gets boring. These guys are both crazy. 

Ellen Von Unwerth

i was SO happy to recently find all these pictures again, and remember who the fuck Ellen Von Unwerth is. These are all from the Revenge book, and are absolutely awesome. 


Of Tank Girl. Okay, so the 1995 movie was pretty epic in it's own 90's way but COME ON! I love Ice T and cheesy special effects as much as the next person, but it does not do the comic book justice. I think it's the only movie worth making a remake of, because it could be so much better! I mean I loved the old version, but for all the wrong reasons. 

P.S. I know this is old news, but I recently stumbled upon the line of vibrators that Jamie Hewlett designed, and they are soooo sick. I love that man. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

James Jean


If celebrities moved to Missouri...

These pictures are just awesome. And fucking scary.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

epic book bed

imagine living in that thing!